This page lists some resources that may be useful for CMS users. If you are aware of others, please let us know.
Related projects
We are aware of the following projects related to CMS. These projects are not developed nor maintained by us, hence we do not give guarantees or support for them.
A "social fork" of CMS, started by William Di Luigi and Luca Versari, adding some social features to CMS (for example, a forum), and used by the Italian Olympiads.
A list of CMS forks used by the local Olympiads organizers of a number of countries, each with its own peculiar set of features that might not yet be available in the official CMS version.
- Support scripts used in the University of Trento, in particular start-up scripts for Upstart and systemd, by Cristian Consonni.
- A video tutorial on how to install and run CMS, by Marco Romagnoli.
Other potentially useful patches for CMS can be found in the pull requests list and among the many GitHub forks of CMS. Many of them are being considered for inclusion in the official CMS repository.
Reports on CMS
CMS has used in many national and international contests. Some contest organizers wrote detailed reports on their experience with CMS, which may be useful for other contest hosts using or considering to use CMS. In particular, many of them discuss the problems to address in order to use CMS with several hundreds of users.
- Report of stage 1 of LMIO 2015 (Lithuanian Olympiad in Informatics) written by Motiejus Jakštys in November 2014. There is also a report on the results of a testing session (October 2014). The contest had 754 participants, 6222 submissions and was run on the Amazon Web Services cloud.
- Report on APIO 2014 (Asia-Pacific International Olympiad), written by Artem Iglikov in May 2014. The contest had around 600 participants, around 7500 submissions and was run partially on local hardware and partially on the Amazon Web Services cloud.
- Report on IOI 2013 (Brisbane, Australia) written by Bernard Blackham in July 2013. The contest had 303 participants and was run on local hardware. The report also enters into the challenges posed by the management and monitoring of the physical infrastructure.
Papers on CMS
CMS has been described in the following papers by CMS core developers. They can be useful for who wants to catch a bird's eye overview of the inner CMS structure.